Practice Schedules
Athletes are expected to attend all practices. Individual problems/concerns should be brought to the attention of the coach prior to practice. Practice length should not exceed two hours (90 minutes is recommended). Practices on weekends and school breaks are not recommended. However, coaches may hold OPTIONAL practices over breaks and scheduled days with no school, such as President's Day, Teacher In-Service, etc.
When will my child be finished and/or return home from an event?
Time the event begins + the length of time event last + amount of time it takes to get to or from the competing location = Approximate pick up time.
Student/Athlete Uniform Care
Athletes may be asked to provide or purchase a portion of the team uniform which they will keep at the conclusion of the season. Individual athletes will be responsible for the care and return of school equipment issued to them. Washing/care instructions should be followed. If none are given on or with the uniform; hand wash in cold water and air dry. Athletes will be expected to pay for lost or damaged equipment or uniforms. Please see the Athletic Director or School Treasurer for replacement costs.
Multiple Activity Participation
At the middle school level, participation in many activities is encouraged. However, if a student has extracurricular activities that overlap with school athletic schedules, that student should select one activity to avoid future conflicts. If a conflict arises between school athletics and a club or community team the athlete and parent must understand that the school team responsibilities take priority. A student may participate in more than one activity as long as it does not interfere with practice or game times.